It's the beginning of first semester and I find myself seeking some advice. Good old Huffington Post provides some tidbits of information:

Being the first weekend of second semester, I took the opportunity today to learn how to scuba dive. Although inclement weather postponed the open ocean dive, learning to breathe underwater in the controlled environment of a swimming pool proved to be a wholly exhilarating and slightly creepy experience. During a moment of panic, Phil had to calm me down with a poolside pep talk as he paced back and forth above me, making sure I was ok. At one point while I was getting accustomed to breathing with the regulator, I saw his hand descend into the water, giving me the diving signal for 'everything is ok'. He continued to give me directions with his hand as I kneeled on the pool floor trying to convince my brain that I could indeed survive breathing in this fashion. Best husband ever.

I am excited to get back in the water and of course to see all the wonderful marine life here in Saba. A truly unique perk of being a Caribbean medical student. On that note, getting back to the grind has proven to be a little challenging. I am dreading Phil's departure back to Vancouver next week, however I know the time will fly by and we will be reunited again in August.

Medical school requires all one's energy, focus and time and thus I know the semester will go by quickly. Back to the life of a drill sergeant for me. Hello 90 hour study weeks...I am prepared to kick your *ss.

Adieu sweet world for now.

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    Born and raised in beautiful Vancouver, BC. Wed on international Star Wars day and now heading off to medical school in the Caribbean.


    November 2013

