Twelve days, 3 quizzes, 2 finals and 1 shelf exam stand between me and the culmination of my first semester of medical school. It is a rainy day here on Saba and when I say rain, I mean torrential downpour. Today, the rain is truly a blessing as nearly empty cisterns which provide the only means of 'free' water on the island, will now be overflowing again. I find myself comforted by the rainy, dreary day as I am reminded of home. It's interesting to think of how much rain is often cursed in a city like vancouver, where half the year is covered in a gray cloud of rain, but here on Saba, it's truly a Godsent blessing.

Although I feel an overwhelming urge to make paper boats and float them down the fast flowing rivers that have formed outside my house, I have to resist this clearly childish urge in order to get some serious studying time in :(

Looking back, I can see how far we've all come as medical students. I remember when this cartoon was actually funny. However, after block 4 anatomy, I actually know what those structures are...totally killed the funny.

I suppose there's only forward to go from here. And since that includes going home to all that I love, including the face of my most favorite person in the world aka: hubby, I find myself bursting with joy and gratitude today.

Home is a word that is so closely associated with all that I love that it's almost painful to think of it from such a far distance, yet today thinking of the adventures I've had here on the island, the amazing hikes, new friends, the sense of accomplishment, being poisoned...yeah that was scary...I can't help but to feel as though I'll miss the island while I'm gone. But I'm certain second semester will bring new adventures of its own :D

I've posted a few photos from a short hike to the tidepools yesterday with Courtney and Bella. The hike through a labyrinth of razor sharp rocks, incredible heat radiated by the rocks and mini cliffs that surround you on all sides...aka: Mordor, brings you to delightful tidepools that have formed in the recesses of the rock formation and are full of life. We didn't have too much time to explore this intriguing little area near the airport, and so I plan to return as soon as I possibly can :)

Home stretch, here we go!

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    Born and raised in beautiful Vancouver, BC. Wed on international Star Wars day and now heading off to medical school in the Caribbean.


    November 2013

